There was a bridge and stream just perfect for a game of Pooh sticks

and we had a few games of 'camouflage' in which we had to make ourselves look invisible amongst the trees. Those with bright colours were easy to spot but others became very good at hiding!
We managed to find everyone again thankfully. We learned many interesting facts about woodlands as we went but all too soon it was time to go back for our final lunch and goodbyes.

A huge thank you must be said to the excellent instructors who were vigilant with safety instructions, always patient and encouraging. Thank you Pete, Sam, Keedy, Steve and others involved with our groups. The whole experience was very well organised the centre facilities are ideal for school trips and also family adventure holidays.
Here we are outside our chalets before we left.

We had a good bus trip up to Scrabster and made good time, arriving long before the waiting rooms were open so thanks to the driver for allowing us to stay on the bus until opening time.

Again a huge thank you must be said to Leslie and Graham for their massive input and support. It was really appreciated. It is invaluable to have leaders who know the rules of football, a great sense of humour, and are willing to take part in the challenges themselves!
The pupils have to be commended also for their resilience, perseverance, courage and team spirit shown throughout the week.
There were many special moments, much laughter when things went wrong, challenges met and hidden skills brought to the fore! It all helped to make the trip such a success.